991 resultados para Malaria - prevention


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The objective of this program is to reduce malaria incidence in Kenya. Malaria poses a large public health challenge in Kenya, and although public health efforts have traditionally been focused on treatment of infected patients, due to increased drug resistance and lack of drug-adherence, prevention strategies are needed. This program targets Kenyan women, the likely caretakers in the home, and promotes malaria prevention behaviors through health education. ^ A planning group will be assembled and a needs assessment will be performed, verifying risk factors and conditions associated with malaria, as well as personal and external determinants. Behavioral and environmental outcomes will be determined, and performance objectives for each outcome will be established. Matrices of change objectives will be created, and detailed methods and strategies will be linked to each change objective. Program elements include media, education, and incentives. All materials used in this program will be subjected to pre-test to ensure cultural relevance and fidelity. Matrices of change objectives will be created for program adopters and implementers, as well as correlating methods and strategies associated with each change objective. Performance objectives will also be compiled for program maintainers. A program evaluation plan will follow "Pre-Post Comparison Group" design. Outcome evaluation and process evaluation will be conducted. The sample population will be screened based on age and gender so as to maintain comparability to the target population. Measurements will be taken before the program to establish baseline, directly following the program to determine short-term effects, and three months after the program is completed to determine long-term effects. ^ One limitation of this program is selection bias, due to the nature of quasi-experimental studies. Thorough screening prior to sample selection will minimize selection bias and ensure group homogeneity. Another limitation is attrition, and this will be minimized where possible through the use of incentives. In cases where loss to follow-up is not avoidable, such as death or natural disasters, the attrition effect will be estimated using structural equation modeling after reviewing the sample size, differential attrition and total attrition. ^ This intervention is based heavily on health promotion theories, but it is important to remember that in the field, the program plan will likely include only the necessary practical strategies. The target population, Kenyan women of childbearing age, will be significant in decreasing the malaria disease burden in Kenya.^


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Objective. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the amounts spent on different malaria prevention products and the determinants of these expenditures. Methods. 1,601 households were interviewed about their expenditure on malaria mosquito nets in the past five years, net re-treatments in the past six months and other expenditures prevention in the past two weeks. Simple random sampling was used to select villages and streets while convenience sampling was used to select households. Expenditure was compared across bed nets, aerosols, coils, indoor spraying, using smoke, drinking herbs and cleaning outside environment. Findings. 68% of households owned at least one bed net and 27% had treated their nets in the past six months. 29% were unable to afford a net. Every fortnight, households spent an average of US $0.18 on nets and their treatment, constituting about 47% of total prevention expenditure. Sprays, repellents and coils made up 50% of total fortnightly expenditure (US$0.21). Factors positively related to expenditure were household wealth, years of education of household head, household head being married and rainy season. Poor quality roads and living in a rural area had a negative impact on expenditure. Conclusion. Expenditure on bed nets and on alternative malaria prevention products was comparable. Poor households living in rural areas spend significantly less on all forms of malaria prevention compared to their richer counterparts. Breaking the cycle between malaria and poverty is one of the biggest challenges facing malaria control programmes in Africa.


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Background With dwindling malaria cases in Bhutan in recent years, the government of Bhutan has made plans for malaria elimination by 2016. This study aimed to determine coverage, use and ownership of LLINs, as well as the prevalence of asymptomatic malaria at a single time-point, in four sub-districts of Bhutan. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out in August 2013. Structured questionnaires were administered to a single respondent in each household (HH) in four sub-districts. Four members from 25 HH, randomly selected from each sub-district, were tested using rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) for asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infection. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with LLIN use and maintenance. Results All blood samples from 380 participants tested negative for Plasmodium infections. A total of 1,223 HH (92.5% of total HH) were surveyed for LLIN coverage and use. Coverage of LLINs was 99.0% (1,203/1,223 HH). Factors associated with decreased odds of sleeping under a LLIN included: washing LLINs <six months and >nine months compared to washing LLINs every six months; HH in the least poor compared to the most poor socio-economic quintile; a HH income of Nu 5,001-10,000 (US$1 = Nu 59.55), and Nu >10,000, compared to HH with income of <Nu 1,500; HH located one to three hours walking distance to a health centre compared to being located closer to a health centre; a reported lack of knowledge as to what to do in event of LLINs being torn; and keeping LLINs in a box compared to keeping them hanging in the place of use. Factors associated with use of LLINs for purposes other than the intended use included: income group Nu 1,501-3,000 and HH located one to three hours walking distance from a health centre. Conclusions There was high coverage of LLINs in the study area with regular use of LLINs throughout the year. LLIN use for purposes other than malaria prevention was low. With high coverage and regular use of LLINs, and a zero prevalence of malaria infection found in historically high-risk communities during the peak malaria season, it appears Bhutan is on course to achieve malaria elimination.


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While policies often target malaria prevention and treatment - proximal causes of malaria and related health outcomes - too little attention has been given to the role of household- and individual-level socio-economic status (SES) as a fundamental cause of disease risk in developing countries. This paper presents a conceptual model outlining ways in which SES may influence malaria-related outcomes. Building on this conceptual model, we use household data from rural Mvomero, Tanzania, to examine empirical relationships among multiple measures of household and individual SES and demographics, on the one hand, and malaria prevention, illness, and diagnosis and treatment behaviours, on the other. We find that access to prevention and treatment is significantly associated with indicators of households' wealth; education-based disparities do not emerge in this context. Meanwhile, reported malaria illness shows a stronger association with demographic variables than with SES (controlling for prevention). Greater understanding of the mechanisms through which SES and malaria policies interact to influence disease risk can help to reduce health disparities and reduce the malaria burden in an equitable manner.


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RESUMO: A Malria causada por parasitas do gnero Plasmodium, sendo a doena parasitria mais fatal para o ser humano. Apesar de, durante o sculo passado, o desenvolvimento econmico e a implementao de diversas medidas de controlo, tenham permitido erradicar a doena em muitos pases, a Malria continua a ser um problema de sade grave, em particular nos pases em desenvolvimento. A Malria transmitida atravs da picada de uma fmea de mosquito do gnero Anopheles. Durante a picada, os esporozotos so injetados na pele do hospedeiro, seguindo-se a fase heptica e obrigatria do ciclo de vida. No fgado, os esporozotos infetam os hepatcitos onde se replicam, dentro de um vacolo parasitrio (VP) e de uma forma imunitria silenciosa, em centenas de merozoitos. Estas novas formas do parasita so as responsveis por infetar os eritrcitos, iniciando a fase sangunea da doena, onde se os primeiros sintomas se manifestam, tais como a caracterstica febre cclica. A fase heptica da doena a menos estudada e compreendida. Mais ainda, as interaes entre o VP e os organelos da clulas hospedeira esto ainda pouco caracterizados. Assim, neste estudo, as interaes entre os organelos endocticos e autofgicos da clula hospedeira e o VP foram dissecados, observando-se que os anfisomas, que so organelos resultantes da interseco do dois processos de trfego intracelular, interagem com o parasita. Descobrimos que a autofagia tem tambm uma importante funo imunitria durante a fase heptica inicial, ao passo, que durante o desenvolvimento do parasita, j numa fase mais tardia, o parasita depende da interao com os endossomas tardios e anfisomas para crescer. Vesiculas de BSA, EGF e LC3, foram, tambm, observadas dentro do VP, sugerindo que os parasitas so capazes de internalizar material endoctico e autofgico do hospedeiro. Mais ainda, mostramos que esta interao depende da cinase PIKfyve, responsvel pela converso do fosfoinositidio-3-fosfato no fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, uma vez que inibindo esta cinase o parasita no capaz de crescer normalmente. Finalmente, mostramos que a protena TRPML1, uma protena efetora do fosfoinositidio-3,5-bifosfato, e envolvida no processo de fuso das membranas dos organelos endocticos e autofgicos, tambm necessria para o crescimento do parasita. Desta forma, o nosso estudo sugere que a membrana do VP funde com vesiculas endocticas e autofgicas tardias, de uma forma dependente do fositidio-3,5-bifosfato e do seu effetor TRPML1, permitindo a troca de material com a clula hospedeira. Concluindo, os nossos resultados evidenciam que o processo autofgico que ocorre na clula hospedeira tem um papel duplo durante a fase heptica da malaria. Enquanto numa fase inicial os hepatcitos usam o processo autofgico como forma de defesa contra o parasita, j durante a fase de replicao o VP funde com vesiculas autofgicas e endocticas de forma a obter os nutrientes necessrios ao seu desenvolvimento.--------- ABSTRACT: Malaria, which is caused by parasites of the genus Plasmodium, is the most deadly parasitic infection in humans. Although economic development and the implementation of control measures during the last century have erradicated the disease from many areas of the world, it remains a serious human health issue, particularly in developing countries. Malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. During the mosquito blood meal, Plasmodium spp. sporozoites are injected into the skin dermis of the vertebrate host, followed by an obligatory liver stage. Upon entering the liver, Plasmodium parasites infect hepatocytes and silently replicate inside a host cell-derived parasitophorous vacuole (PV) into thousands of merozoites. These new parasite forms can infect red blood cells initiating the the blood stage of the disease which shows the characteristic febrile malaria episodes. The liver stage is the least characterized step of the malaria infection. Moreover, the interactions between the Plasmodium spp. PV and the host cell trafficking pathways are poorly understood. We dissected the interaction between Plasmodium parasites and the host cell endocytic and autophagic pathways and we found that both pathways intersect and interconnect in the close vicinity of the parasite PV, where amphisomes are formed and accumulate. Interestingly, we observed a clearance function for autophagy in hepatocytes infected with Plasmodium berghei parasites at early infection times, whereas during late liver stage development late endosomes and amphisomes are required for parasite growth. Moreover, we found the presence of internalized BSA, EGF and LC3 inside parasite vacuoles, suggesting that the parasites uptake endocytic and autophagic cargo. Furthermore, we showed that the interaction between the PV and host traffic pathways is dependent on the kinase PIKfyve, which converts the phosphoinositide PI(3)P into PI(3,5)P2, since PIKfyve inhibition caused a reduction in parasite growth. Finally, we showed that the PI(3,5)P2 effector protein TRPML1, which is involved in late endocytic and autophagic membrane fusion, is also required for parasite development. Thus, our studies suggest that the parasite parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) is able to fuse with late endocytic and autophagic vesicles in a PI(3,5)P2- and TRPML1-dependent manner, allowing the exchange of material between the host cell and the parasites, necessary for the rapid development of the latter that is seen during the liver stage of infection. In conclusion, we present evidence supporting a specific and essential dual role of host autophagy during the course of Plasmodium liver infection. Whereas in the initial hours of infection the host cell uses autophagy as a cell survival mechanism to fight the infection, during the replicative phase the PV fuses with host autophagic and endocytic vesicles to obtain nutrients required for parasite growth.


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Background During the Soviet era, malaria was close to eradication in Tajikistan. Since the early 1990s, the disease has been on the rise and has become endemic in large areas of southern and western Tajikistan. The standard national treatment for Plasmodium vivax is based on primaquine. This entails the risk of severe haemolysis for patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Seasonal and geographical distribution patterns as well as G6PD deficiency frequency were analysed with a view to improve understanding of the current malaria situation in Tajikistan. Methods Spatial and seasonal distribution was analysed, applying a risk model that included key environmental factors such as temperature and the availability of mosquito breeding sites. The frequency of G6PD deficiency was studied at the health service level, including a cross-sectional sample of 382 adult men. Results Analysis revealed high rates of malaria transmission in most districts of the southern province of Khatlon, as well as in some zones in the northern province of Sughd. Three categories of risk areas were identified: (i) zones at relatively high malaria risk with high current incidence rates, where malaria control and prevention measures should be taken at all stages of the transmission cycle; (ii) zones at relatively high malaria risk with low current incidence rates, where malaria prevention measures are recommended; and (iii) zones at intermediate or low malaria risk with low current incidence rates where no particular measures appear necessary. The average prevalence of G6PD deficiency was 2.1% with apparent differences between ethnic groups and geographical regions. Conclusion The study clearly indicates that malaria is a serious health issue in specific regions of Tajikistan. Transmission is mainly determined by temperature. Consequently, locations at lower altitude are more malaria-prone. G6PD deficiency frequency is too moderate to require fundamental changes in standard national treatment of cases of P. vivax.


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Children account for an appreciable proportion of total imported malaria cases, yet few studies have quantified these cases, identified trends, or suggested evidence-based prevention strategies for this group of travelers. We therefore sought to identify numbers of cases and deaths, Plasmodium species, place of malaria acquisition, preventive measures used, and national origin of malaria in children. We analyzed retrospective data from Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States and data provided by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. During 1992-2002, >17,000 cases of imported malaria in children were reported in 11 countries where malaria is not endemic; most (>70%) had been acquired in Africa. Returning to country of origin to visit friends and relatives was a risk factor. Malaria prevention for children should be a responsibility of healthcare providers and should be subsidized for low-income travelers to high-risk areas.


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Since its introduction to the market in 1985, mefloquine has been used for malaria chemoprophylaxis by more than 35 million travellers. In Europe, in 2014, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) issued recommendations on strengthened warnings, prescribing checklists and updates to the product information of mefloquine. Some malaria prevention advisors question the scientific basis for the restrictions and suggest that this cost-effective, anti-malarial drug will be displaced as a first-line anti-malaria medication with the result that vulnerable groups such as VFR and long-term travellers, pregnant travellers and young children are left without a suitable alternative chemoprophylaxis. This commentary looks at the current position of mefloquine prescribing and the rationale of the new EMA recommendations and restrictions. It also describes the new recommendations for malaria prophylaxis that have been adapted by Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy where chemoprophylaxis use is restricted to high-risk malaria-endemic areas.


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Background. First synthesized in 1874, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) was not used until the second half of World War II after its insecticidal properties were discovered in 1939. For decades DDT has been used globally with the intent of eradicating malaria. This began in 1955 when the eighth World Health Assembly launched a global campaign selecting DDT as the chemical of choice for the eradication of malaria. The United States banned DDT use in 1972 partially due to the publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson in 1962 which suggested that DDT was harmful to the environment, wildlife and is a carcinogen. ^ Objectives. To critically review the literature on DDT, and evaluate its importance in malaria prevention and control. Methods: The design of this systematic literature review is a narrative summary and evaluation of the papers reviewed. The data came from searches using PubMed and MEDLINE which are free and publicly available databases. Inclusive criteria that were considered during the search are English language peer reviewed journal articles published in the last 20 years. The keywords were: insecticidal and agricultural use of DDT, human impact of malaria, economic impact of malaria, benefits of DDT, effects of DDT, importance of malaria control, and alternatives to DDT for malaria control. ^ Results. Malaria continues to be one of the most common infectious diseases and creates a tremendous global public health problem. WHO recommends DDT for malaria vector control because compared to other pesticides, it is the most persistent in indoor spraying. ^ Conclusion. Indoor spraying of DDT in malaria endemic areas may cause increased exposure of the chemical to humans; however I conclude that the overall benefits outweigh the risks because more lives are saved due to fewer infections with malaria.^


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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linstar de nombreux pays en dveloppement, la prvention et la prise en charge du paludisme prsente occupent une place centrale dans les politiques publiques en Cte divoire. En vue de fournir des outils daide la dcision aux acteurs politiques, plusieurs tudes sur lvaluation de lefficacit et des cots des programmes sont rgulirement engages. Toutefois, trs peu dtudes se sont penches sur les dimensions thiques de ces programmes. En consquence, nous avons choisi dexplorer dans une perspective thique les programmes de prvention et de prise en charge du paludisme en Cte dIvoire travers une analyse documentaire descriptive. La mthode qualitative fut retenue cet effet. Ce mmoire vise dmontrer que la lutte contre le paludisme est une entreprise qui intgre des valeurs thiques implicites notamment de solidarit et de promotion de la vie en sant. En outre, des mesures particulires notamment de gratuit daccs aux services de prvention et de prise en charge sont prvues dans le but de prendre en compte les populations vulnrables face au paludisme. Le chapitre danalyse nous permettra de montrer comment ces dispositions prsentent des limites en ce qui concerne lquit. Enfin, nous allons dmontrer que ces dispositions spcifiques sont susceptibles in fine de gnrer voir daccentuer les risques dingalits sociales.


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Background: Tete Province, Mozambique has experienced chronic food insecurity and a dramatic fall in livestock numbers due to the cyclic problems characterized by the floods in 2000 and severe droughts in 2002 and 2003. The Province has been a beneficiary of emergency relief programs, which have assisted &gt;22% of the population. However, these programs were not based on sound epidemiological data, and they have not established baseline data against which to assess the impact of the programs. Objective: The objective of this study was to document mortality rates, causes of death, the prevalence of malnutrition, and the prevalence of lost pregnancies after 2.5 years of humanitarian response to the crisis. Methods: A two-stage, 30-cluster household survey was conducted in the Cahora Bassa and Changara districts from 22 October to 08 November 2004. A total of 838 households were surveyed, with a population size of 4,688 people. Results: Anthropometric data were collected among children 6-59 months of age. In addition, crude mortality rates (CMRs), under five mortality rates (U5MRs), causes of deaths, and prevalence of lost pregnancies were determined among the sample population. The prevalence of malnutrition was 8.0% (95% confidence interval (CI)=6.2-9.8%) for acute malnutrition, 26.9% (95% CI=24.0-29.9%) for being underweight, and 37.0% (95% CI=33.8-40.2%) for chronic malnutrition. Boys were more likely to be underweight than were girls (odds ratio (OR)=1.34; 95% CI=1.00, 1.82; p&lt;0.05) after controlling for age, household size, and food aid beneficiary status. Similarly, children 30-59 months of age were significantly less likely to suffer from acute malnutrition (OR=0.45; 95% CI=0.26, 0.79; p&lt;0.01) and less likely to be underweight (OR=0.37; 95% CI=0.27, 0.51; p&lt;0.01) than children 6-29 months of age, after adjusting for the other, aforementioned factors. The proportion of lost pregnancies was estimated at 7.7% (95% CI=4.5-11.0%). A total of 215 deaths were reported during the year preceding the survey. Thirty-nine (18.1%) children &lt;5 years of age died. The CMR was 1.23/10 000/day (95% CI=1.08-1.38), and an U5MR was 1.03/10 000/day (95% CI=0.71-1.35). Diarrheal diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, and human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) accounted for more than two-thirds of all deaths. Conclusions: The observed CMR in Tete Province, Mozambique is three times higher than the baseline rate for sub-Saharan Africa and 1.4 times higher than the CMR cut-off point used to define excess mortality in emergencies. The current humanitarian response in Tete Province would benefit from an improved alignment of food aid programming in conjunction with diarrheal disease control, HIV/AIDS, and malaria prevention and treatment programs. The impact of the food programs would be improved if mutually acceptable food aid programme objectives, verifiable indicators relevant to each objective, and beneficiary targets and selection criteria are developed. Periodic re-assessments and evaluations of the impact of the program and evidenced-based decision-making urgently are needed to avert a chronic dependency on food aid.<br />


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Human malaria is responsible for over 700,000 deaths a year. To stay abreast of the threat posed by the parasite, a constant stream of new drugs and vector control methods are required. This study focuses on a vaccine that has the potential to protect against parasite infection, but has been hindered by developmental challenges. In malaria prevention, live, attenuated, aseptic, Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites (PfSPZ) can be administered as a highly protective vaccine. PfSPZ are produced using adult female Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes as bioreactors. Production volume and cost of a PfSPZ vaccine for malaria are expected to be directly correlated with Plasmodium falciparum infection intensity in the salivary glands. The sporogonic development of Plasmodium falciparum in A. stephensi to fully infected salivary gland stage sporozoites is dictated by the activities of several known components of the mosquitos innate immune system. Here I report on the use of genetic technologies that have been rarely, if ever, used in Anopheles stephensi Sda500 to increase the yield of sporozoites per mosquito and enhance vaccine production. By combining the Gal4/UAS bipartite system with in vivo expression of shRNA gene silencing, activity of the IMD signaling pathway downstream effector LRIM1, an antagonist to Plasmodium development, was reduced in the midgut, fat body, and salivary glands of A. stephensi. In infection studies using P. berghei and P. falciparum these transgenic mosquitoes consistently produced significantly more salivary gland stage sporozoites than wildtype controls, with increases in P. falciparum ranging from 2.5 to 10 fold. Using Plasmodium infection assays and qRT-PCR, two novel findings were identified. First, it was shown that 14 days post Plasmodium infection, transcript abundance of the IMD immune effector genes LRIM1, TEP1 and APL1c are elevated, in the salivary glands of A. stephensi, suggesting the salivary glands may play a role in post midgut defense against the parasite. Second, a non-pathogenic IMD signaling pathway response was observed which could suggest an alternative pathway for IMD activation. The information gained from these studies has significantly increased our knowledge of Plasmodium defense in A. stephensi and moreover could significantly improve vaccine production.